Study: Men Go for Good Looks in Women
So that’s it! I always wondered why guys spent so much time pacing and fretting over girls and women. Now it’s been studied and classified as a scientific fact. So declares The National Academy of Sciences who sponsored a study of 26 men and 20 women, aged 26 to 40, to find out just what all the fuss has been about.

It’s like organizing 30 professors with 10 centuries of higher education and a combined I.Q. of 96,000 to find out things things like, oh, are the oceans wet, is the sky blue (Los Angeles not included, of course,) do dogs bark or cat meow.
Actually, unusual scientific studies are nothing new. Unless I miss my guess, many university professors don’t have enough papers to grade and dream up these intellectual studies to fill time.
The Sunday Telegraph in

Unfortunately, it really doesn’t work that way. The chairman of the National (U.K.) Obesity Forum reminded everybody that improving your health is “bloody hard work.”
Remember, plastic surgeons are trained to look for people who want plastic surgery for the wrong reasons. Their guideline is the SIMON Profile (Single, Immature, Male, Obsessive and Narcissistic.) Read more about how some patients are screened out as candidates for surgery.